TU (Trey Gunn & Pat Mastelotto of King Crimson) perform in Opele, Poland on October 3, 2007 as part of the International Percussion Festival. www.treygunn.co...

21st century schizoid man - Trey Gunn & Pat Mastelotto w Piekarach Śląskich na XVI Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Perkusyjnym 04.10.2007

Live at The Granada Theater, Dallas, Texas. April 30, 2011 camera by John Stewart. www.treygunn.com/tu www.patmastelotto.com

TU (Trey Gunn & Pat Mastelotto) live in Austin, Texas - One World Theater - April 28, 2011 "The 5th Spin of the Sun" www.treygunn.com/tu www.patmastelotto.com

Live In Club "GOGOL",Moscow,18.11.2010

"TU" Trey Gunn y Pat Mastelotto en la ciudad de México. Progresiones musicales


TU Trey Gunn & Pat Mastelotto in Moscow Gogol Club 2010 november