Wheel Of Life Lyric Video
It all started when…
2020 update
Via Richard’s site:
Three New Mr. Mister Songs
Richard, Steve and Pat are re-recording three songs from the PULL era. These three, Slip Through My Fingers, Wheel of Life and Faith Unbroken, were in contention for the PULL album, but for various reasons they were left off. Richard says, “I always loved something about each one of these songs, but we just couldn’t get them to the point where we were all on board, so they fell by the wayside.” The boys have been busy sending audio files back and forth since they live in different parts of the country. They also brought in Tim Pierce and Luis Conte on guitar and percussion. “It’s been interesting recording this way, where we’re communicating over the Internet rather than being in the studio together. It seems to be working really well”. John Lang, who contributed lyrics to all the Mr albums, is involved as well, tweaking the songs with Richard. Mr. Mister’s fans will surely be excited to hear these ‘lost gems’. A release date hasn’t been confirmed, but keep an eye out for it.
Links for PULL Expanded Edition: