Posts tagged Bill Munyon

Literally too busy to keep up, and in many ways myspace has taken the lead as the web site news location, . . But last week we had a scare when the host of this site was hacked and we lost all data, that was a wake up call to remnind me how much information is here - guest book Q+A, all those tour fotos, the musical downloads, text, etc - Luckily a backup was found and this site is back (duh, obviously since your reading this here).


So what's new:

KTU gigs in Spain and Slovakia went great and you can read about it over at Trey's site. I came back and went right to Oklahoma for gigs with a newer project MPTU , then work on eSession recordings , and another Simone song with Markus (This one is a cover of classic and we first cut in June at around 125bpm, the new recut was started at 86bpm so it a real make over . . however along the way Markus discovered a relative tempo of 96.75 if put in 9/8. Wow pretty wild results and i look forward to hearing how its finaly mixed (BTW David Botrill will be handling the mix for Simone's record!) , and started MPTU recording (you can follow our work in progress over at the link). Had a good time at NAMM and got to hang with my pals from Vic Firth and Paiste and players like Bozzio ans Scot from RHH. Next month Trey and I will gig in Seattle along with Adrian Belew so that should be fun, also in Sept new Tony Levin CD Stick Man comes out, I did a lot of drumming for this during the last Christmas hollidays and think Tony is very happy with the results, and I love what I've seen of the artwork.

A found farewell to Tony Wilson. Just a few weeks ago, while traveling up the Andalusia mountains with KTU, i watched 24 hr Party People and was enjoying Tony's work.

Aug 10th

CGT is in town and should be out to my place to record a bit next week.

Big news is . . .Crim's Road Dog, Enginer , Bill Munyon "s getting married! We will be having the wedding here at my home next weekend.

So today besides house work and yard work i have to get fotos to renew my passport (looks like Poland in early October, then back to record KTU, then Estonia with Tuner, then back home for a few days before Italy in early November with MFB (another new project with Phil Brown and Lorenzo Feliciati).

Trail of Dead, ZeeGrass, TUNER

More work with "The Trail of the Dead" , another epic tune from Conrad and the gang. For this tune Producer Mike McCarthy, assisted by Munyon, had me on another strange bastard kit... Not unlike the kit I was just recording with at home for ZeeGrass... except ZeeGrass is gentle rockabilly brushing while Trail is slamming like Questlove meets Bonham.


It also seems like all roads lead to Russia these days. Trail is heading there in couple weeks, followed by Zee, followed by Tuner (with special guest SiRenée). I'll certainly be doing the Tuner dates and possibly some ZeeGrass dates but can only lend moral support for the Trailers.


Check out my new myspace page for tour dates and other nuggets.